Today, Africa represents 90% of malaria related cases globally with 194 million lives at a considerably high risk. According to a WHO report, $ 2.7 billion was invested in malaria programs globally in 2016; an amount which represents a paltry 41% of the estimated $ 6.5 billion required annually, and crucial to achieving the 2030 global malaria targets (WHO 2016). Total funding reached $3.1 billion in 2017 (WHO 2017). However, Sub-Saharan Africa still accounts for a bulk of the global malaria burden on an annual basis. The most vulnerable population are at great risk of falling victim to the perilous health hazards posed by malaria.
Source: World Health Organization
Our work in this area has impacted the lives of many including people with intellectual disabilities. More so, we are committed to effectively reducing the burden of malaria on the African continent by a significant margin through creation of awareness, and by passionate execution of sustainable anti-malaria interventions in affected communities.
Little or no attention is paid to maternal and child health in Africa. In Nigeria
alone, shortage of needs for family planning remains at 14% for women generally, while 16%
represents the shortage for women of reproductive age i.e. women between ages 15-49 (SFH
2018). Even so, child survival in the same region is riddled with challenges ranging from
nutritional deficiencies to diseases and other infections.
In fact, Nigeria’s northern states have one of the worst maternal and child mortality rates
in the world (PRRINN-MNCH 2018).These shortfalls have led to a gross underdevelopment of a
vulnerable population who risk being faced with a myriad of physical and psychological
complications in the short and long term.
Furthermore, gender-based violence (GBV) and other related issues are accorded less priority
in our society resulting from a lack of attention to protection. Albeit Nigeria is a party
to various international policies affecting this area such as the Maputo protocol, poor
accountability and sustainability have posed constant challenges (CISLAC 2019). Notably,
Nigeria was also one of the first countries to have a UNICEF establishment (UNICEF 2018).
However, response to child needs and rights has witnessed large shortcomings particularly in
areas burdened with humanitarian crisis.
We visualize a world where women and children will have ease of access to facilities and
resources required for their security and accelerated growth. In line with the United
Nations SDGs, we work to create a better future for women and children across affected
African communities.
Globally, cancer is a leading cause of death. It is responsible for an estimated 9.6 million deaths in 2018 alone (WHO 2018). In Africa, cancer remains a major cause of death usually stemming from a prevalence of key risk factors including a strong presence of infections such as the HPV and Hepatitis B viruses in low-income regions like Sub-Saharan Africa (Cancer Atlas 2019). Three major cancers which pose a high risk, and have the potential to do more damage in developing communities include breast, cervical and prostate cancers. This comprises our scope for implementation in the area of cancer.
Our focus on cancer involves early detection and prevention. Awareness about cancer is a lingering challenge, after all a mere 1-5 low-income countries have sufficient data to effectively drive cancer policy (WHO 2017).We aim to encourage and sustain massive awareness on cancer prevention, as well as to provide channels for early detection and cancer support.
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