The socio-economic landscape of the African continent cannot be addressed without discussing the
inevitable role of leadership. The poor development of the continent is unimpressive when
juxtaposed with its vast potentials in rich human and natural resources.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) posits that the major difference between a developed nation and a
developing nation lies is in their political evolution, thus a dire need to nip the issue of
leadership in the bud constantly arises.
Despite the progress made in good governance in recent years, there is still a need to address
bad practices such as corruption and political interference in decision making. The New
Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) believes that without good governance, new programs
and projects to promote Africa’s development will not be delivered.
Leadership has been an issue of concern in Africa, and the urgent need to nurture a new
generation of credible leaders who will restore its lost glory while steering the continent and
its people in the right way surfaces.
Challenges of leadership in Africa are further heightened by lack of appropriate policies, poor
reforms, religious and cultural bias, and gerontocracy in Africa.
The benefits good leadership affords our continent is immeasurable and innumerable. Furthermore,
it halts various forms negativity synonymous with the continent ranging from social and
political unrest and poor economy to brain drain, criminality, bribery and corruption.
At ACT Foundation we are committed to revitalizing leadership in Africa through the cultivation
of genuine leadership values in youths, and by building them to imbibe exceptional character and
skills. The focus on youths is not far-fetched as they undoubtedly are a determinant factor on
the issue of development or underdevelopment of economies. This is in line with the startling
statistics reported by the Brookings Institute, which highlights Africa as the only region with
an increasingly high youth population. According to the report, by 2050, the youth population in
Africa will be almost be double that of South-East Asia, East Asia, and Oceania.
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